SFIO vs. Rahul Modi & Anr

A detailed analysis of criminal appeals involving the SFIO's investigation into Adarsh Group, examined by the Supreme Court.

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Criminal Appeals challenging common between times arranged dated 20.12.2018 passed by the Delhi High Court in W.P.(Crl.) Nos.3842 and 3843 of 2018. In work out of powers conferred by Section 212(1)(c) of the Companies Act, 2013 the Central Government vide an arrange coordinated examination into the undertakings of Adarsh Group of Companies and LLPs by officers of the Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) as designated by Executive, SFIO. The said arrangement too indicated that “the Inspectors and Investigating Officers should total the examination and yield the report inside three months thereof.”

The said period specified in Clause 6 of the arrangement dated 20.06.2018 came to a conclusion on 19.09.2018 and based on data accumulated after examination, the endorsement was allowed by Executive; SFIO taking after which three blamed people specifically Rahul Modi, Mukesh Modi, and Vivek Harivyasi were captured on 10.12.2018.

They have created the Duty Judge, Area Courts, Gurugram, Haryana on 11.12.2018, at that point were allowed remand for two days and were coordinated to be created sometime recently the Special Court (Companies Act), Gurugram on 14.12.2018. On 13.12.2018 a proposition was made by SFIO looking for endorsement of the Central Government for expansion of time for completing examination and accommodation of examination report in regard of 57 cases which were at different stages of completion and the period allowed for completion of examination had either lapsed or was close the expiry.

The supplication for expansion of guardianship was contradicted by the denounced associate alia on the grounds that the period of completion of examination as stipulated within the arrangement dated 20.06.2018 had terminated and as such all encourage procedures were unlawful. The Special Court through arrangement dated 14.12.2018 allowed expansion to the SFIO for examination and the same was challenged by this summons request perused with Area 482 CrPC.

All three blamed in Criminal Request Nos. 538-539 of 2019. The Writ Request implored that as per arrangement dated 20.06.2018 all examination must have been complete by 19.09.2018 which examination carried out after that date was unlawful and without any specialist of law. Writ of Habeas Corpus was moreover implored for; coordinating discharge from illicit capture made on 10.12.2018. The High Court through ad-interim alleviation coordinated the discharge of the charge.

The Hon’ble Court had no second thoughts about the expansion of time allowed for examination, but the period indicated for the accommodation of report post-examination had slipped by. At that point, the SFIO had not one or the other connected or gotten the ex post facto expansion of the period indicated within the said arrangement dated 20.06.2018. Also, control of capture beneath Section 212(8) of the 2013 Act conferred upon Chief, Extra Director, and Partner Executive isn’t circumscribed by any time constraints.

The Hon’ble Supreme Court, whereas giving take off to offer held that- Section 212(3) of the 2013 Act by itself does not lay down any fixed period inside which the report needs to be submitted. Indeed beneath Sub-Section (12) which is with respect to “investigation report”, once more there’s no stipulation of any period. In fact, such a report beneath Sub-Section (12) is to be submitted “on completion of the investigation”. There’s no stipulation of any settled period for completion of examination which is reliable with ordinary standards beneath the common law.

On occasion, there’s no settled period inside which the examination beneath the Criminal Strategy Code must be completed. In the event that the examination continues for a longer period, beneath Section 167 of the Code certain rights may stream in support of the Accused.” “Having respect to the conspire of the Act underlined in Chapter XIV (Sections 206 to 229 of the Act) managing with the things relating to assessment, request an examination of the companies in juxtaposition with Chapter XXIX which endorses the punishment/penalties for the commission of different offenses indicated beneath the Act, the compliance of sub-section (3) of Section 212 of the Act is basically catalog.


In case the accommodation of the learned guide for the respondents (writ applicants) that the compliance of sub-section (3) of Section 212 of the Act in connection to the accommodation of the report be held obligatory is acknowledged (which I am perplexed, I cannot acknowledge) in the view, the exceptionally reason of sanctioning Section 212 of the Act would get vanquished and will end up worthless. Undoubtedly, when I apply the well-known guideline of purposive translation whereas deciphering the pertinent arrangements in juxtaposition and hold that sub-section (3) of Section 212 of the Act is catalog in nature, it serves the authoritative expectation for which Chapter XXIX is enacted.

Section 212(3) of the 2013 Act by itself does not lay down any settled period inside which the report should be submitted. Indeed beneath Sub-Section (12) which is with respect to “investigation report”, once more there’s no stipulation of any period. In reality, such a report beneath Sub-Section (12) is to be submitted “on completion of the investigation”. There’s no stipulation of any settled period for completion of examination which is steady with typical standards beneath the common law.

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On occasion, there’s no settled period inside which the examination beneath the Criminal Procedure Code must be completed. On the off chance that the examination continues for a longer period, beneath Section 167 of the Code certain rights may stream in support of the blame. But it is certainly not the thought that in case the examination isn’t over inside any settled period; the specialist to explore would come to a conclusion.

Again, Sub-Section (2) of Section 213 of 2013 Act does not talk of any period for which the other Investigating Agencies are to hold their hands, nor does the arrangement talk of any re-transfer of the important archives and records from SFIO back to said Investigating Agencies after any period or happening of an occasion. For illustration, beneath Section 6 of the National Investigation Agency Act, 2008 (“NIA Act” for brief) the Office (NIA) can be coordinated by the Central Government to examine the Planned Offense beneath the NIA Act and where such heading is given, the State Government isn’t to continue with any pending examination and must forthwith transmit the pertinent reports and records to the Office (NIA). But beneath Section 7 of the NIA Act, the Organization may, with past endorsement, exchange the case to the State Government for examination and trial of the offense.

The exceptionally expression “assign” in Section 212(3) of 2013 Act mulls over the exchange of examination for all purposes where after the first Exploring Organizations of the Central Government or any State Government are totally bared of any control to conduct and total the examination in regard of the offenses mulled over in that. The thought beneath Sub-Section (2) is the total exchange of examination. The exchange beneath Sub-Section (2) of Section 213 would not stand denied or reviewed in any possibility.

In case a time constrain is understood and mulled over inside which the examination must be completed at that point coherently, the arrangements would have managed with as to what must happen if the time restrain isn’t followed to. The statute must too have mulled over a circumstance that a substantial examination attempted by any Investigating Agency of Central Government or State Government which was exchanged to SFIO must at that point be re-transferred to say Investigating Agencies. But the statute does not mull over that. The exchange is unavoidable and cannot be reviewed in any way.

Once relegated, SFIO proceeds to have the control to conduct and total examination. On the off chance that that be so, can such control stand diminished or lessened in the event that the examination isn’t completed inside a specific period? The statute has not endorsed any period for completion of the investigation. The medicine within the moment case came within the order of 20.06.2018. Whether such medicine within the arrangement may well be taken as abridging the powers of SFIO is the issue.

It is well settled that whereas laying down a specific method in case no negative or antagonistic results are mulled over for non-adherence to such method, the important arrangement is ordinarily not taken to be obligatory and is considered to be absolutely registry. 

Furthermore, the arrangement should be seen within the setting in which it happens within the Statute. There are three fundamental highlights which are shown in this matter:-

1. Outright exchange of examination in terms of Area 212(2) of 2013 Act in support of SFIO and upon such exchange all records and records are required to be exchanged to SFIO by each other Investigating Agency. 

2. For completion of the examination, sub-section (12) of Section 212 does not mull over any period. 

3. Beneath sub-section (11) of section 212 there can be intervals reports as and when directed.

Within the confront of these three striking highlights, it cannot be said that the medicine of period inside which a report is to be submitted by SFIO beneath sub-section (3) of section 212 is for completion of a period of examination and on the expiry of that period the command in support of SFIO must come to a conclusion. On the off chance that it was to come to a conclusion, the enactment would have mulled over certain comes about counting re-transfer of investigation back to the initial Exploring Offices which were coordinated to exchange the whole record beneath sub-section (2) of section 212.

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Within the nonappearance of any clear stipulation, in our see, an elucidation that with the expiry of the period, the order in support of SFIO must come to a conclusion will cause incredible viciousness to the plot of enactment. In the event that such interpretation is acknowledged, with the exchange of examination in terms of sub-section (2) of Section 212 the initial Exploring Organizations would be stripped of control to explore and with the expiry of the mandate SFIO would moreover be feeble which would lead to an indistinguishable circumstance that genuine fakes would stay past examination. That might never have been the thought. The development which is conceivable in this manner, is that the medicine of the period inside which a report should be submitted to the Central Government beneath sub-section (3) of section 212 is simply a registry.

Indeed after the expiry of such stipulated period, the order in support of the SFIO and the task of examination beneath sub-section (1) would not come to a conclusion. The consistent conclusion as mulled over is after completion of examination when a last report or “investigation report” is submitted in terms of sub-section (12) of section 212. It cannot in this manner be said that within the moment the order came to a conclusion on 19.09.2018 and the capture affected on 10.12.2018 beneath the orders passed by Executive, SFIO was in any way illicit or unapproved by law.

In any case, expansion was allowed within the showcase by the Central Government on 14.12.2018. But that’s totally adjacent to the point since the initial capture itself was not in any way unlawful. In our considered see, the High Court totally blundered in continuing on that preface and in passing the arrangement beneath offer.


The High Court moreover observed that the unlawful detainment of the candidates cannot be purified by the consequent remand orders passed by the concerned officer which illicit detainment of candidates abuses the standards of individual freedom revered beneath Article 21 of the Constitution. The arrangement of the Hon’ble High Court dated 20.12.2019 was challenged by way of this SLP. The Ld. Solicitor General on the sake of SFIO affirmed that in terms of the 2013 Act, the examination commenced when the matter was doled out to SFIO beneath Section 212(1) of 2013 Act and examination would conclusion on recording report by SFIO after completion of examination as per Section 212(12) of the Act. The stipulation in Section 212(3) of the 2013 Act with respect to accommodation of the report to the Government “within such period as may be indicated within the order” is absolutely registry.

Having respect to the plot of the Act underlined in Chapter XIV (Sections 206 to 229 of the Act) managing with the things relating to the review, request an examination of the companies in juxtaposition with Chapter XXIX which endorses the punishment/penalties for the commission of different offenses indicated beneath the Act, the Supreme Court held that the compliance of sub-section (3) of section 212 of the Act is basically directory.

The Supreme Court watched that “it cannot be said that the medicine of period inside which a report is to be submitted by SFIO beneath sub-section (3) of section 212 is for completion of a period of examination and on the expiry of that period the command in support of SFIO must come to a conclusion. In the event that it was to come to a conclusion, the enactment would have mulled over certain cases about counting re-transfer of examination back to the initial Investigating Agencies which were coordinated to exchange the complete record beneath sub-section (2) of section 212”.


Within the nonattendance of any clear stipulation, the Supreme Court was of the see that, “a translation that with the expiry of the period, the command in support of SFIO must come to a conclusion, will cause incredible viciousness to conspire of the enactment. In the event that such elucidation is acknowledged, with the exchange of examination in terms of sub-section (2) of Section 212 the initial Investigating Agencies would be bared of control to explore and with the expiry of order, SFIO would too be feeble which would lead to an ambiguous circumstance that genuine fakes would stay past examination. That might never have been the thought. The development which is conceivable in this manner, is that the medicine of the period inside which a report should be submitted to the Central Government beneath sub-section (3) of section 212 is absolutely directory.”

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