Importance Of The Concept Of Originality Under Industrial Design: A Comparative Study Between India & Us

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If we talk about the birthplace or the origin of the expression “industrial design,” its traces can be traced back to the 20th Century in the book – ‘Peter Behrens and A new Architecture for Twentieth Century’ by  Stanford Andorson, who has been hailed by the people to be the main mechanical planner on the planet. The idea of a “mechanical plan” as a licensed innovation saw a quick and consistent dispersion into the different overall sets of laws across the world, with the US setting the achievement by being the first to receive the idea of “modern rights” in its IPR system. The permeation at that point turned out to be more progressive with nations everywhere in the world fusing the rights into their particular situation.

India, just like the US, was among the initially having ‘not so many’ strong systems to embrace the idea of configuration rights in their general sets of laws. The principal explanation for it very well may be ascribed to the reality of India, just as the primary US economies. For example, countries like France, England, Germany, and so on had major modern economies and went about as the mechanical centers on the planet. Accordingly, it appeared to be basic for the nations to have an all-around managed framework to offer assurance to their modern plans.

The motivation behind the Designs Act is to defend and ensure the plans which are unique and novel. Such a plan can be applied to a particular article to be made by Industrial cycles or means. For a plan to be called new or unique there ought to be some unique mental application included. The curiosity or creativity of even a specific piece of the article might be adequate to call the plan all in all “novel or unique,” yet this part should be a critical one and it should be sufficiently intense to bestow to the entire plan an unmistakable character.

While conducting this research the scope of the author is only limited to two countries namely India and US legal applicability. To get detailed information of the comparative legal understanding, and the positive ways which can be adopted (if any) into the Indian legal system so that the issues which are generally faced by the industries can be sorted out with the best possible outcomes.


Walking down the past lane towards the development of the Designs Act in India, firstly it was named “The Patterns and Designs Act, 1872” this particular act gave selective rights to innovators of new creations and designs for the society. Because of the acknowledgment of a critical need to secure new design in India, the sanctioning of this Act appeared. Later on, the Act prevailing into a solidified structure known as “The Inventions and Designs Act, 1888” which was a straightforward replication, or can also be said as removal of the British model of the Act in the United Kingdom. Which was superseded by the British Designs and Patents Act 1907, which established the Indian Patents and Designs Act in 1911 and enforced the provisions of the statute.

“The Act of 1911 banished brand name or property mark from the comprehension of the term ‘plan’, this demonstration of 1911 at a later stage offered rules to satisfy every one of the prerequisites for selecting a plan in India. The range of rights that were held by the proprietor, charge developments, season of expiry was furthermore described. This Act was adjusted a couple of times after the Indian opportunity and the British traveller time period ultimately, the Indian Designs Act, 2000 was endorsed to offer harmony to the law relating to the protection of plans and mechanical plans and to complete the TRIPS course of action (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) to which India was a signatory. With the entry into force of the Design Act 2000, the main change concerns the exclusion of works of art within the meaning of Section 2(d) of the Copyright Act 1957 from design concepts. There are many conflicts over the protection of works of art under the Design Act.

India furthermore accepted the course of action of “first to record, first to get” which suggested the maker of a particular arrangement ought to apply for the enlistment of his arrangement at the soonest to hold others back from stating rights for that specific arrangement. A basic change that was accomplished was the aversion of “creative works” described in The Indian Copyright Act of 1957, from the importance of ‘plan.’ One of the mainstream cases which assume a significant part in clarifying the meaning of ‘plan’ under the Indian Copyright Act, 1957 is Microfibers Inc. v Girdhar Co. & Anr. “that imaginative work prohibited were crafted by canvases and inventive works put into modern use were not avoided from Section 2(d) of the Designs Act of 2000. The object of this choice was to essentially help reward trailblazers for the work and exploration applied to unfurl an extraordinary and unique plan.”


In India, the design rights are represented under the Designs Act, 2000. This Act is supposed to be a milestone enactment in the field of design since it extensively sets out the plan guidelines in India. The Act not just sets out the rules from the Indian point of view yet additionally remains at standard with the TRIPS rules and principles. The Act of 2000 is supposed to be a finished code and the protection which is provided under the act is legal. This law ensures the visual design of articles that are not practical. Section 2(d) of this Act characterizes plan as just the highlights, example, decoration, or structure of shapes, lines, or tones that applied to any article which is either two dimensional or three dimensional or in the two structures.

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The design should be utilized in an article by any mechanical methods, regardless of whether in programmed, manual, or substance way. The completed article should be engaged and judged exclusively by the eye. The Act additionally incorporates the security of mechanical plans (otherwise called patent plans) in India. Another extraordinary component of this Act is that it gives just thoughtful cures. Aside from a directive, the owner of the plan can recuperate financial remuneration by harms. Additionally, encroachment of a plan can exist if the plan is enrolled under the Act.

The Act plainly sets out the pre-imperatives for an item to qualify as a plan –

  • It ought to be novel and unique.
  • It ought to be appropriate to a utilitarian article.
  • It ought to be apparent on a completed article.
  • There ought to be no earlier distribution or divulgence of the plan.

Novelty & Originality

The idea of novelty and originality has been explained on account of Bharat Glass Tube Ltd. v. Gopal Glass Works Ltd where it was held that a “design which has been concocted for the absolute first time by the creator and has never been repeated, enrolled or distributed anyplace in India or outside India could be viewed as novel or unique.” Similarly, the court in another case of Hello Mineral Water Pvt Ltd v. Thermoking California Pure held that to follow the prerequisite of novelty, a simple new novel shape or structure isn’t sufficient. There must be some component or mix of components not quite the same as anything found in any earlier design.

On account of Piracy, the judgment in Veeplast Houseware Private Ltd. v. Bonjour International & Anr. said that in case of theft of design, each similarity would not be viewed as a demonstration of impersonation. For this situation, the court said that “as opposed to putting items one next to the other to discover the similitudes in the plan, it was more reasonable to inspect the product from the perspective of a client with normal information and not-so-amazing memory.” Along these lines, seeing whether the imitated item confused the client with a unique one, would proclaim it as an encroachment of plan. Generally speaking, the essential thought is whether the highlights of shape, setup, or examples are like one another.

Industrial Design

The TRIPS gives the least principles of security of modern plans. The Designs Act, 2000 appropriately sticks to the said least norms by giving security to unique and stylishly engaging plans equipped for being applied monetarily and aligns with the progressions in innovation and monetary advances.

It was seen by the court in the case of M/s B Chawla and Sons v Bright Auto Industries, where a mirror was professed to be another plan, it was held that expansion looking like a mirror that was accessible in the market didn’t establish another or unique design. The court saw that the expansion of a bend anywhere on a very much perceived state of an article of basic use in the market can’t make it an article of the new or unique plan. Later on, on account of Pentel Kabushiki Kaisha and Anr. v M/s Arora Stationers and Ors. Likewise, the court held that a simple shallow distinction in the plan won’t make the article new or unique. Further, the court held that simple curiosity of structure or shape is deficient. Curiosity includes the presence of another component or new situation of an old component, when contrasted and earlier art. However, a mix of recently realized plans may likewise be subject to plan enrollment if the visual effect of the blend, all in all, is new. Under the Indian laws and Design Act 2000, industrial design protection is a type of intellectual property right that only grants exclusive rights to selected individuals to make, sell and use goods that embody the protected design. Ownership rights are granted for a period of 10 years. They can then be renewed once for another 5 years. Design protection offers geographic rights such as patents and trademarks. To get design protection in India, it must be registered in India.

In a country like ours which is developing, one of the many  reasons why configuration isn’t gotten in many cases is a consequence of the quick changes in client designs in clothing and imaginative ventures, and new models ought to be on track with these examples. The essentials of a plan not existing in a public territory before its selection is the most thing these associations can’t meet, which wraps up with issues of theft and infringement building up consistently. The term ‘assurance of mechanical plan’ has in like manner become an immense issue. This issue is also the inspiration driving why associations incline more to the side of selecting copyrights and brand names as it outfits them with a more expanded term of affirmation, especially if the arrangement of that association is the basic reason of advantage for that adventure keeping watch.

Registrability of Designs

Features of shape, arrangement, tests, embellishment, or construction of lines or tones applied to any article, whether or not in two dimensional or three dimensional or in the two designs, can be enlisted under the (Indian) Designs Act, 2000. Nevertheless, helpfulness parts of an arrangement are not guaranteed under the (Indian) Designs Act, 2000, as the comparable are subject to licenses. The total season of authenticity of selection of an Industrial Design under the (Indian) Designs Act, 2000 is 15 years.


The way that the US laws manage this is as the “Design Patent” to ensure how an article looks. This has every one of the features of a Patent but at a lower limit than a standard patent. All the while in the US setting likewise there is an idea of Utility Patents which secures how an article is utilized and works. The law along these lines deals with both the “aesthetics” in the Design Patent and the “utility” or the “usefulness” in the Utility Patents. In like manner, according to US law, a circumstance is conceived wherein an obvious detachment of usefulness from feel or ornamentation isn’t so natural. In such cases, both Utility Patents or potentially Design Patents can be documented.

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Configuration licenses of designs most intently take after rights managed in different wards under the name ‘registered designs’, ‘industrial design’ or ‘design model.’ These design patents are represented by the statutes covered under patent law, all together as seen in the other design right statuses the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) does not conduct a full meaningful assessment of a plan application, including a quest for and examination of important earlier workmanship. As per the US system, the design patent should fulfill a considerable lot of similar prerequisites as utility patents, including oddity, non-conspicuousness, and adequate concepts. Rather than utility licenses, which ensure useful thoughts and ideas, design licenses secure the outward stylish appearance of items.

As per the Supreme Court of USA in the case of Bonita Boats v Thunder Craft Boats it was stated that “a design to be eligible for protection must have an aesthetically pleasing appearance (which is not merely for function purposes) along with other criteria of patentability.” In short it can be said that in case of any new design which is original and oriental design for an article of manufacture is qualified for getting patent under the design patent protection.

Industrial Design Protection

Industrial design is the fancy or oriented part of an article. The design of an article may consist of three-dimensional highlights, like the shape or surface of an article, or of two-dimensional highlights, like examples, lines, or tones. The idea of industrial design is applied to a wide assortment of results of industry and handiwork. To be ensured under most public laws, a mechanical plan should be outwardly engaging. The most one-of-a-kind component of configuration patent law is that the utility patent law norms apply to configuration licenses, aside from where there is a contention with the configuration patent arrangements.

Industrial design assurance is accessible somewhat under trademark law, partially under intellectual property law for specific arrangements of plans, and essentially under plan patent law. Configuration patent law, in any case, has some significant issues that will stay with the framework regardless of how successfully the CAFC acts to explain the legitimate principles. One of the CAFC judges has conceded configuration patent law isn’t adequately unsurprising, and a more straightforward framework is expected to ensure modern plans.

Trademark law is the best spot to begin in depicting protection for the industrial design, or exchange dress assurance, as it is now and then brought under the head of trademark law. A moderately exact arrangement of necessities should be met before a trademark can be acquired. But the fundamental motivation behind why most of the industrial designs can’t be successfully secured under the umbrella of trademark law is that item configuration highlights are not particular in a sense of the brand name. The trademark law section of IPR necessitates that the brand name configuration is perceived by people in general as recognizing an item source. Regularly, design highlights are only deciphered by the general population as being alluring pieces of the item appearance that serve no brand name importance, very much like numerous words can just have an elucidating significance in people in general’s mind.


If we look at the present era of technical requirements, the idea of advancement and innovativeness rotates around cash and benefit. In a country like India which is still developing, one of the numerous reasons which is faced by the legal system of the country is regarding the not ensured or stated plan which results in fast changes in the  patterns of buyers in case of attire and innovative enterprises, and new models should be on target with these patterns. The necessity of a plan which does not exist in a public space before its enrollment is something most of these organizations can’t meet, which closes with issues of robbery and encroachment developing every day. The term of assurance of modern plans has likewise become a huge issue. This issue is additionally regarding the motivation behind the reason why organizations slant more to the side of enlisting for copyrights and brand names as it furnishes them with a more extended term of security, particularly if the plan of that organization is the simple premise of productivity for that endeavor on the lookout.

To fight this inconsistency of registration it is important to have stability in the era of industrial design registration. Even though India has ensured setting up an appropriate construction for the insurance of mechanical plans of each person, business visionary, designers, trendsetters, and producers on the lookout. But then too there is a need for an alternative security mode that can adjust the worldwide norms to accommodate the assurance of industrial design, universally. For which the applicant must educate the candidates about the proper procedure to ensure that the plan applications are handled expediently and effectively so the innovators of these plans would now be able to sell their items with the prospect of total wellbeing from the encroachment of their plan.

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