Bandhan Ram Bhandhani Case

This article seeks to examine the facts of the State of Bombay case, circumstances surrounding the fact of the case and judgment.

Municipal Council, Ratlam Case

The present article talks about the case of Municipal Council, Ratlam v. Shri Vardhichan and Others and analyze its judgment.

Standard Chartered Bank &Anr Case

The author in this case discusses the case of Standard Chartered Bank and Anr. v Custodian and Anr. and also discusses the judgment.

Resignation of a Director

The article discusses the principles laid down regarding resignation in the case of Saumil Dilip Mitra v. State of Maharashtra and Ors.

Madan Kumar Singh (Dead) through LR Case

The court discusses the scope of the term “consumer” for the purpose of self-employment with the help of case law of Madan Kumar Singh.