Protection Of Software

Explore the nuances of copyright and patent protection for software programs in India, delving into intellectual property rights and legal perspectives.

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This article explains protection of Software.

“Expressions of idea is protected and not the idea in itself.”

The copyright statue from the local legislative level to global level has reliably remained at the interstices of emanant advancement with extensive financial, social and the mechanical measurements. Cultural development and the advancement additionally carries with it the expanding need for joy with respect to individuals from the general public, the resultant impact of which is the quest for materials that give delight and the greater part of which are found in the inventive business. The misuse of these manifestations for the monetary addition which regularly occurs at an extraordinary misfortune to the makers. Accordingly, the need to shield these makers from unpredictable and unreasonable misuse of the results of their inventiveness to protect their entitlement to profit by their work[1].

The specific extent of the protection seems, by all accounts, to be open finished similarly as the methods for misuse by the individuals from the general public continues to fill in refinement and in various measurements. The object of copyright security in a computer program isn’t the basic thought, yet the coding used to communicate that thought[2]. The coding of the program is done autonomously. For this situation, the thought fundamental the program has communicated this thought. The new code along these lines comprises the articulation and is ensured however the techniques and calculations inside a program are not secured.

Algorithm is a rundown of distinct guidelines for finishing an errand. It is a bunch of directions on what steps are vital for measure data by the computer and in what explicit request it needs to play out these activities to do a predefined task. Programming in its most straightforward sense can be perceived as a bunch of guidelines gave to the computer to create the ideal outcome. The most well-known strategies for programming robbery are delicate lifting, hard circle stacking and unapproved leasing. Likewise, the simplicity of duplication and top caliber of pilfered programming represent an extraordinary danger to the product business.

In this way, the product insurance via licensed innovation rights is important to guarantee that the maker is sufficiently profited and furthermore to support imagination and creativity later on. In India, programming can be secured under the Copyright Act or the Patents Act , and a dash of inventiveness, as well, is needed to ensure it effectively. It very well may be secured under the Patent Act just on the off chance that it has a specialized impact. Else, it very well may be ensured distinctly under Copyright Act.

Act characterizes “scholarly work ” and incorporates computer projects, tables and accumulations including computer data sets. Subsequently, it is unequivocally ensured. Thus, same cures will follow from the encroachment of the protected program which are permitted in the event of some other encroachments. This article aims in achieving the understanding of how the copyright or patent is granted to the software development, how the Indian copyright protection for the software programs is different from the United states law for protection of software.


In the initial stages of the development of law only the physical properties were given the protection under the law. in simple term the property that can be seen and touched i.e. tangible property. Later while the law evolved due to lot of developments, protection to the expression of ideas and inventions were also introduced. This is called intellectual property right. The idea behind grating of such protection is to encourage the creators.

The paradigmatic jobs of copyright and patent laws have been, separately, to shield unique authorial articulations from unlawful duplicating, and to shield novel and nonobvious utilitarian plans from illegal employments. Since the product business is getting one of the quickest developing enterprises since the most recent twenty years escalated care and security is required for such turns of events and the manifestations. The granting of the intellectual property right to computer programs can be seen as a form of “legal subsidization” to a particular creator or industry.

With the advancements of the technology the computers and laptops are becoming one among the household commodities. The operation and running of the system are given by the guided software that consist of set of guidelines and the instructions to the computers which may help the computers perform accordingly. In most countries the intellectual property in the computer software is protected under the copyright laws. The key international treaties that govern the protection of software are:

  • Berne convention
  • Universal copyright act
  • WTO agreement on trade related aspects of Intellectual property rights.

To set up the global assurance for the copyright for such computer programs the worldwide bodies have consented to secure the creation for a very long time after the creator bites the dust. In the Indian perspective the product is secured under the Indian copyright act, 1957 which was changed in 1994 to stretch out the assurance to the computer programs as artistic works. The act characterizes computer program implies a bunch of guidelines communicated in words, codes, plans or in some other structure including machine comprehensible medium, fit for making a computer play out a specific assignment or show up at a specific outcome.

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Since the product has a market worth and subject to brutal market rivalry with a more limited life circle and be effortlessly replicated the security for such scholarly creation is huge. In the vast majority of the countries the product is ensured under two classifications for example Copyright and patent. By and by, the product are generally secured under the copyright as they incorporate composition of code which is like an abstract work.


As we probably are aware under the copyright system just the declaration of thought is secured and not simply the thought. Programming has been surprisingly hard to arrange inside a particular classification of licensed innovation insurance. This is on the grounds that the attributes of programming are one of a kind among secured scholarly manifestations, giving specific troubles for those drawing analogies existing lawful subjects. The issue lies in the way that product is certainly not a solid work or a “building block” creation.

Such a programming involves a couple of parts that could fall inside different classes of authorized development confirmation, for instance writing computer programs is tangled and viably copiable. A couple of artists fight that the genuine thought of the item business is so much that licenses can’t be brought into it as it’s definitely not another development rather it is just a made substance by which explicit device is made to work. The speed of progress in writing computer programs is very quick[3]. This infers that the item business is immersed with musings, and that pioneers are ruling each other reliably to make more forward-thinking programming.

Under the copyright act, 1957 the abstract works covers which is communicated on paper or composing regardless of the subject of its artistic legitimacy or quality[4]. It should be communicated in some material structure for example composing or print or in some type of documentation or images, which implies in structure fit for wilt outwardly or discernibly reproducing the portrayal of the first work. In downplaying the goal behind the composers of the demonstration, it very well may be said that the assurance of computer is to secure the arrangement of guidelines/codes or anything that makes the program novel from the others and plays out a specific errand as trained.

Henceforth by this understanding it tends to be said that plan, how the program is coordinated, codes that are written in the structure that can’t be perceived by the human are likewise a piece of artistic work and thus assurance under the copyright is legitimized. Simply the similitude in the thought can’t land an individual in court for copyright encroachment. The copyright act ensures everything in a COMPUTER program expect any element that goes about as an industry standard like an assistance choice in the greater part of the product, document alternative or alter choice.

Additionally, the source and article code which is a piece of the computer program is ensured. The calculations essentially are not ensured under the copyright act. The explanation that patent is certainly not a reasonable assurance for programming is that there is no new creation all things considered. It is various codes educated in various manners to play out a different assignment. In straightforward term it is only the codes muddled and put in various example. This muddled example can be shown up by coherent reasoning and it needn’t bother with any master expertise to present something new. This scarcely any development.Also, between two computer programmes there can be a similarity in theme but that doesn’t mean that one has copied the other. In the case of “Apple Computer Inc. v. Computer Edge Pty. Ltd” the Australian federal court has held that a computer programme consisting of a source code is original literary work. An object code is the version of a programme in which the source code language is converted or translated into the machine language of the computer with which it is to be used[5]. It was further held that an object code is an adaptation or mechanical translation of the source code within the meaning of the copyright law and copying of the object code was an infringement of the copyright in the source code.


As computer programs at first sight make out of articulations regarding composed code, they came to be widely ensured under copyright as framing part of the classification of abstract works. This can be effortlessly crushed in light of the fact that comparable projects could be created by broad varieties in such strict codes. Hence, programs came to be decided for non-strict encroachment of copyright along these lines conjuring the customary principle of thought articulation polarity.

The convention just expresses that solitary articulations are secured under copyright and not the thought. This presents challenges in figuring out what established ‘thoughts’ and ‘articulations’ in a given program. The usefulness of a computer program is fundamentally a thought which the intellectual property law doesn’t ensure. Consequently, computer which are at first sight goes through a guidance offered with regards to how to work can’t be secured under the intellectual property law.

Subsequently, the copyright security for the item permitting only a limited confirmation. Of course, the patent confirmation to the computer program gives more secure security, guaranteeing the idea, enunciation, framework, exclusive benefits. The licenses guarantee the utilitarian pieces of the item and can be maintained against any person who does the ensured component whether repeated, exchanged, planned or developed independently.

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Protected innovation law is in like manner limited to preclude unapproved reproducing of the guaranteed work and doesn’t deny a wide range of copying. The law doesn’t get an idea, method, measure, system, procedure for movement, thought, standard, or disclosure, paying little notice to the construction in which it is portrayed, explained, or exemplified in a for the most part copyrightable work.

Patents are granted for inventions in all fields of technology which fulfil the criteria of patentability, i.e., the invention should be new, non-obvious and industrially applicable (useful). Patents provide monopoly granted to invention on meeting this criterion. But the applicability of this criteria in the case of computer software has been a debatable issue. The machine/ computer under the influence of software may act in a ‘novel’ manner. In such cases, software patents are granted by many countries. Software is, however, different in many respects from the conventional technology.

The patent would seem to be an appropriate form of legal protection for computer software since it covers new and inventive technical solutions. TRIPS Agreement prescribes the minimum conditions for patentability, but besides laying down the general prescription for patent protection in all fields of technology, it does not have any explicit provision for software patentability, in contrast to copyright protection for software under Article 10(1). The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)[6] provided that for granting patent protection for computer software it must fulfil the criteria of new and inventive technical solutions. However, in most of the countries including India, the question of patentability cannot be answered with any degree of certainty.

The problem with the patent protects is that the it is necessary to first discover whether the computer programme is merely an algorithm (non-patentable) or a technical invention that is entitled for protection.  But the term technical need a clear definition and interpretation. This requires the understanding of the what are the other qualities of the patentability i.e. the invention should be new, non-obvious and industrial applicability. Hence the patent would not be granted for a abstract idea or mathematical formula or algorithm.

Additionally, it is important to comprehend that the program remembers a ton of things for it. Like manuals, papers, computer printouts, punch cards containing the data in a specific documentation, attractive tapes and other specialized things. The idea or thought of calculations, often utilized in computer writing computer programs isn’t fit for copyright security[7]. The inventiveness with the end goal of intellectual property law identified with the statement of thought not the creativity of the thought.


On account of the quickness of mechanical changes in this field and minimal innovative exercises by indians have influenced the choice of the policymakers against licensing of computer programming in spite of solid pressing factors from the product business and the scholarly community. There is an overall worry that conceding of programming licenses will hamper the development of programming industry, as the licenses will be documented principally by outsiders. The insurance of the computer programs under the licensed innovation right is a late improvement in the ipr field.

Henceforth the degree to which the computer program can be secured under the intellectual property law isn’t investigated by the courts yet. It requires a comprehension of what a computer program contains in it and out which what can be called as “artistic work” (section 2(o)) for the insurance of programming must be talked about.

The writing doesn’t not discuss the details of the what a product and computer writing computer programs is; in guaranteeing the security for programming. In my understanding the word programming contrasts from the word computer program. That computer program incorporates the codes and guidance given to play out a specific errand though the word programming covers inside itself the importance of computer programs. Thus anything that isn’t a computer program inside a product isn’t ensured by the copyright act. This must be investigated later on research


[1] Verma, S. (2018). Intellectual Property Protection of Computer Software . 168 – 193.

[2] Samuelson, P. (2016). Functionality and Expression in Computer Programs: Refining the Tests for Software. Berkeley Technology Law Journal, Vol. 31,.

[3] Pai, Y. A. (2006). COPYRIGHT PROTECTION FOR COMPUTER PROGRAMS: WALKING ON ONE LEG? Journal of the Indian Law Institute, Vol. 48, 359-399.

[4] Vardhan, M. J. (2008). Software Patents in the Indian Framework: An Economic Analysis of Problems and. National Law School of India Review, Vol. 20, 220-228.

[5] GUPTA, V. K. (1996). Protection of Computer software/ Algorithm. Journal of Intellectual Properties Rights, Vol.1 , 76-86

[6] WIPO, 1978

[7] Intellectual property rights india . (2019, march). Retrieved from

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